Concierge Medicine: What You Need To Know About Personalized Healthcare

Concierge medicine is rapidly gaining in popularity among people who want personalized medical care and an enhanced healthcare experience. A concierge medical clinic offers its clients a unique approach to healthcare services that focuses on specialized attention and care, as well as a more convenient and comfortable experience. Here are some things to consider regarding concierge medicine and how it works. Concierge Medicine Basics Concierge medicine is a type of healthcare where patients, also known as clients, pay a retainer or fee so that they can receive personalized medical care.

What Are The Benefits Of Home Hospice Care?

If you care for a relative who is coming to the end of their life, then you might be looking at hospice care options. While your relative can have this type of care in a hospital, assisted living home, nursing home, or specialist facility, some people choose to have home hospice care. Why is this a good idea? Patients Can Stay in Their Own Homes Some people accept that they have to leave their homes to have hospice care in a dedicated facility.

Prostate Cancer Screening

Prostate cancer can be successfully treated if detected early. To increase the chances of early detection, healthcare providers recommend routine screening, ideally before any symptoms present. Screening usually begins with a physical examination, which may be followed by blood tests, urine tests, or a biopsy if the doctor observes any irregularities. Candidates for Screening Prostate cancer affects 1 out of 8 men. Age, genetics, and racial background are factors that can determine who should be screened.

Tips For Eliminating Your Lice Problem

It is an unfortunate fact that lice can be a common problem that families will have to address. Unfortunately, lice problems can be extremely difficult to address, but there are steps that may make it easier for you to eliminate the lice problem. Comb And Treat The Hair Daily When treating a lice problem, combing the hair with a specialized tool can allow you to remove the lice from the hair.

Why Do Eye Doctors Dilate Your Eyes?

It's one of the most memorable parts of the eye exam. The doctor puts drops in your eyes, and approximately 20 minutes later you're leaving with those flimsy plastic sunglasses. Your eyes are dilated, and they can't handle any semblance of light. Of course, there's a reason why eye doctors do this. Eye dilation is an important part of the eye exam, and it allows the doctor to get a good look at the back of your eye.