
TMS Therapy: Can It Treat Your Severe Social Phobia?

If you suffer from severe social phobia, you may take anxiety medications or other treatments to improve your condition. But if every treatment you try fails to improve your condition, ask a health clinic about transcranial magnetic stimulation, or TMS, therapy. TMS therapy may help alleviate or control your symptoms. Learn more about transcranial magnetic stimulation and how it may help with your social phobia below. How Does TMS Therapy Work?

What Types Of Medical Services Do Health Care Centers Provide?

Health care centers make it easy for people to access the medical care they need. In these facilities, many doctors gather under one roof to provide routine physical exams, diagnostic services, and treatment for patients of various ages, sexes, and care needs. Here are four types of care you can find at a health care center: 1. Women's Health Women's health is a discipline that governs reproductive care as it pertains to the female body.

What to Expect at Your Annual Wellness Exam

Every adult needs a primary care physician who can manage their routine health needs. One of the most important functions of your primary care physician is to perform annual wellness exams. These exams allow doctors to diagnose health concerns as soon as possible. Being prepared for your physical check-up can help you have a good and productive experience at the doctor's office. Here are some things you can expect at your annual wellness exam:

Take Care of Yourself: 3 Reasons to Seek Urgent Care During the Holidays

The holidays are here. Now's the time to start planning all of your holiday festivities. It's also time to start planning for your safety. You might not realize it, but personal injuries risks go up considerably during the holidays. Luckily, a local urgent care center can handle most of your urgent care needs. If you thought urgent care centers were only for things like sore throats and flu-like symptoms, you were mistaken.

Is Your Family Prepared For Surgery? From The Pediatric Surgeon To The Procedure Itself

How should you prepare for your child's first surgery? You've spoken to the pediatric surgeon about the procedure—but you're not sure how to get your child, their siblings, or yourself ready. Take a look at what you need to know to make this day easier for everyone in your family. Start With Honesty Are you tempted to sugarcoat the procedure for the sake of your child or their siblings' stress level?