4 Things Travelers Need To Know About Pertussis Vaccines

Pertussis, also known as whooping cough, is a serious, vaccine-preventable disease. It's a standard part of childhood vaccinations, but the vaccine that you got as a kid is no longer protecting you. The vaccine only last for 10 years, so unless you get a booster shot of the pertussis vaccine, you could get sick on your holidays. Here are four things that travelers need to know about the pertussis vaccine.

Three Things Robotic Knee Surgery Can Do That Human Hands Cannot

Any type of traditional surgery that involves the skills of human hands often results in longer recovery time and (sometimes) more surgery. This is due to the fact that even though you may have the best surgeon performing your procedure, there is still some marginal room for human error. Robotic surgery, especially robotic knee surgery, ankle surgery and wrist surgery, removes most of the human error margins. Here are three things that robotic knee surgery can do and do better than human hands and traditional surgery cannot do.

ADHD Without The H: Could Your Difficulty Focusing Be Caused By Inattentive ADHD?

Hyperactivity is the most famous hallmark of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, but did you know it isn't actually required for a diagnosis? In fact, many ADHD sufferers experience no hyperactivity whatsoever. If you have difficulty focusing on school or work, it may be too soon to rule out ADHD, even if you've never felt "hyper." Recognizing Symptoms Of Inattentive Type ADHD  People who have inattentive type ADHD often don't display the hyperactivity that other ADHD sufferers commonly experience.

Common Holiday Injuries You Can Avoid

The holiday season is all about happiness and spending time with your family and friends. For some unlucky people, the holiday season may also be about injuries. Whether it's a hasty decision caused by excitement, too many cocktails, or some other misstep, a number of people spend a portion of their holiday in a medical treatment facility. Decorating Decorate with your safety in mind. Always avoid hanging lights in areas that you can't securely access.

Treating Breast Cancer That Has Metastasized Into The Bones: What You Should Know

Breast cancer is one of the types of cancer most commonly diagnosed and treated by doctors of oncology in the United States today. And while treatments for breast cancer have advanced so that many people who are diagnosed with the disease have a positive prognosis, sometimes breast cancer metastasizes anyway. When breast cancer metastasizes into the skeletal system (bones), many people do not know what to expect or how to proceed with treatments.